List of Articles
This page is only here in case someone tries to go to
instead of directly to an article via the navigation section.
* Be My Eyes on Windows:
These are notes I used for my presentation for BITS Basics on 2024-09-14.
* Getting Started with Python:
This is intended for anyone wanting to learn Python using Windows.
It's filled with my opinions and links with more useful information.
* python and python3:
Explains when and why you should use the command python
or the command python3
* Using the Command Line:
Notes about the command line including console and terminal.
Also includes some notes on NVDA and the terminal/console.
* Very Basics of Virtual Environments:
A very minimalist description, (including how to create it) of a basic Virtual Environment.
* Python Variable Scope and f12:
Brief notes about scope and using f12 in Visual Studio Code.